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Grateful Dead - Playin' In The Band

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Playin' In The Band.

Know of a good version of Playin' In The Band that's not listed here? Submit it!
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This Playing is truly epic. Intense"Brain Melt' feeback jam that disintigrates into nothingness only to rise like a Phoenix as the most beautiful MLB.
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Got half an hour to kill? Lose yourself in one of the greatest, mind-blowing, spacious, jamming, jazzy, monster PITB's in history.
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Great extended spacey jam. Check out around 05:10 - 05:40 for what sounds impossibly like a FTM tease. PHIL !
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I can't believe this wasn't on the list... around the 16 minute is some of the most epic crazy jamming ever!
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Playin' gets interwoven throughout the second set. Solid stuff from a great two night stand in Denver